Jack receiving his new bone marrow.

Jack receiving his new bone marrow.

Jack just recieved his new bone marrow and everything went great. He got a great dosage thanks to the fact he is so skinny. He is so relieved to have finally gotten this step over with. Me too, since the last few days I have had several thoughts of….what if the donor backs out, what if the donor has a car wreck on the way to the hospital, what if the plane crashes, or what if the staff transporting the bone marrow trips and smashes the bag containing the bone marrow.

Jack is doing so well that you can’t even tell he has had chemo recently. He is getting really bored being stuck in the hospital. I know that his transplant has gone so smoothly because of all the prayers. Thank you so much for the prayers and support you all mean the world to us. It is amazing how calm you can feel in the middle of the storm when you are surrounded by prayer.

Several people have asked how Jack would receive the bone marrow so I am posting pics of him receiving the marrow and what it looks like.

Jack finished with his transplant. YEA!

Jack finished with his transplant. YEA!

This is what bone marrow looks like.